actorDebbie a Hollywood Star. She 30, she’s in the prime of her career. She is used to make decent money with just a few juicy contracts. Let’s say she makes $20 million a year from advertising. She works between 10 to 15 days a year to produce that contact and attend PR events for the brands. Debbie could’ve made more than $20 million, but there are a lot of middlemen taking a cut, and her busy schedule doesn’t allow her more time to shoot more ads.
Reverse can help her fractionalise this income and free her precious time from those commitments, which quite frankly, she doesn’t enjoy shooting. Instead of signing a few contracts for $20 million, Reverse AI Agents can help her find 10,000 contracts each bringing $5,000 for a total of $50 million a year. Using her AI clone, Debbie can produce the content in 38 languages, without shooting a single day, to reach worldwide audience.
All Debbie has to do is produce an AI clone of herself (5 minutes), train her AI Agent to negotiate for her (a few minutes a day for a month), and every now and then produce original content communicating with her fans. Updating them on her film projects or sharing whatever she wants in a personalised way. This more intimate content makes sense because, unlike other social media platforms, on Reverse, she owns her data, her followers and her traffic. Nobody can lock her out of her account because she said the wrong thing. Nobody can monetise the traffic she generates but her. Debbie owns her IP and every single byte of her content. Forever.
Earning Ad Credits is another plus because they increase in price, so this can be a gamechanger as she ages and starts seeing less and less work opportunities.
athleteVictor is a professional football player. He’s not a world star but he plays for a good team and has won a couple trophies. He’s in his mid-twenties, with still some room for improvement, but with the clock ticking. Most athletes retire from professional sports in their thirties. That means they are under pressure to earn as much income as possible before they have to hang up their boots. They must train hard from a young age, and they don’t have a lot of free time and energy to do other work. Top football players like Messi or Ronaldo have a lot of offers to collaborate with brands, but they don’t have enough time to accept these offers. And what about their teammates, like Victor, those who may not be such big stars, but they still win the same matches and lift the same trophies? Despite having the admiration of the team’s fans, Victor doesn’t get many offers.
Reverse can solve the income problem for all kinds of players in all sports. By fractionalising their advertising income, top athletes get to launch numerous campaigns without having to devote any time. For Victor, who is not at the top of the pyramid but enjoy a certain level of recognition, it would open the gates for extra income from brands that don’t mind collaborating with athletes at his level. Right now, there is just no way to connect Victor with those brands.
By just producing content to engage his fans, Reverse can help Victor grow his fans. Now he can reach out to fans of his team in other countries, engaging them in their languages. After growing the follower base, Reverse can then help Victor secure many deals with medium brands and therefore grow his income, both in the short run and the long run. And the best thing for Victor is that it doesn’t cost him any time, he can focus on training hard and enjoying his family.

musicianRick is a young musician. He’s twenty, he’s wild and he’s got his own band. He dreams of making a big hit, but he’s aware of the difficulties. He’s heard stories of showbiz executives and managers screwing pop stars, he knows fame is short-lived in the music industry, and making end meets is hard. Live shows are expensive to produce and the royalties he gets from music sales are meagre—between iTunes, the label and the manager, the five band members are left with just a handful of cents to split when they sell a song.
There’s no art form which can create a stronger emotional connection with the audience than music. It makes us laugh, cry and dance. Yet most musicians have to resort to basking, teaching or playing at weddings. But Rick finally sees the light at the end of the tunnel. Reverse helps his band sell their tracks directly to their fans, issuing NFTs to make sure their rights are protected. Rick’s AI agent helps him produce more content, interact with his fans, and collaborate with brands and vendors to boost his income.
Owning their IP and data is crucial for musicians, it enables them to be their own label, monetising 100% of their track sales and marketing their own music. As they grow, they would be in a better position to negotiate with a label if they chose to go that road. Either way, Rick would be able to grow an income from advertising that he can call his own.
InfluencerMindy is a freshman in university. Like any student, she needs to find a way to get an extra income. Luckily for her, she doesn’t have to flip burgers. With her dance moves, she’s managed to grow her followers to 200K. The thing is, brand collaboration proposals don’t come knocking on her door every day, and she’s not comfortable producing content for sales. So, she’s generating enough income to avoid a minimum wage part-time job, but not enough to make this a career. Furthermore, she knows influencers are engaged in a pretty uncertain activity. Social media is based on trends, a few viral videos is what propelled Mindy in the first place. Winds change fast in such an environment; brands and followers can lose interest in her as quickly as they found her.
Luckily, Reverse is a gamechanger for her. First, Reverse can keep growing her followers, enabling to produce content in multiple languages to expand her reach. Then, her AI Agent can negotiate with thousands of brands and vendors looking for small influencers like her. She can grow her advertising income to her heart’s content, and all without having to shoot that commercial content that is definitely not her cup of tea.
With more income and more time, Mindy can focus on her studies and on her dance skills—who knows, maybe one day she can become a professional Broadway dancer?

brandRebecca is the CEO of a woman’s clothing brand. Marketing and advertising take the biggest share of her budget. Her team collaborates with a few high-profile celebrities. This is good for the brand but terrible for her migraines. Securing those collaborations is a major undertaking that requires endless negotiations with lawyers and exasperating logistical hurdles. All and all, these collaborations are good for branding but far from profitable.
Reverse offers Rebecca a new way to collaborate with Talent. She can now engage big stars in smaller campaigns that are negotiated between the celebrity’s AI agent, and her brand’s AI agent. These campaigns can be executed in days, and the results are trackable. Legal and staffing costs are down, and margins are up.
On the other hand, she can now also work with Talent that have a different profile, Talent with low profile but super targeted audience and much better conversion rates. Reverse’s AI allows Rebecca to keep control of the brand messaging, while growing her revenue though social ecommerce in a way she didn’t know it was possible. Rebecca can now focus more resources to developing new products.
ecommerce vendorXu Li is an ecommerce vendor. He specialises in toys, selling in several ecommerce platforms. Competition is cutthroat, a race to the bottom. Bidding high to acquire traffic and slashing costs to attract consumers; margins are as thin as they come. The only strategy is to invest in ad spending and hoping the ROI is not too bad.
But then comes Reverse and changes Xu Li’s world. Now he can collaborate with thousands of Talent while controlling the ROI to make sure his business stays profitable. He doesn’t need to invest in ad spending that brings no sales. Xu Li can also scale fast when a product gains traction or kill inventory when the data shows the product is running out of steam. And to top it all up, Reverse’s Ad Credits model makes his ad spending go further.
Xu Li can even grow his shop’s channel. Since the AI produces all the content, this means that he can start generating an extra income with no effort and very little investment. Reverse can even produce the content for his other social media accounts.

manufacturerFrank is a manufacturer. All his life, all he’s known is wholesale. The dull world of dealing with middlemen, low margins and hard-working conditions. On the other hand, working for brands is good for business but brings no glory. On the other hand, big brands are high maintenance, they have unlimited requirements and make unrealistic demands. Manufacturing for them is not as profitable as people think.
Reverse opened a gate to a new dimension, something Frank had only see in movies. While his factory can still produce for brands and generic products, he can now sell Direct to Consumer. All he has to do is come up a product he can call his own; set up his listing price and a budget for ads; offer a generous commission—not hard to do because he has no middleman and he’s selling at retail price, not wholesale. Then, Frank lets his AI Agent do the magic. It can find Talen collaborations in the market he wants to enter, and within the budget he wants to invest. Since Frank is only targeting sales, he has nothing to worry. His Ad Credits are only consumed if a sale is made.
Frank’s business now has become more profitable thanks a to a fraction of his revenue coming from D2S that do require him to hire a marketing or sales team in the new markets he enters.